Overlook rendering overlooked one thing: the regular folk that live nearby
9:38 a.m.
To the editor: Earlier this week I took a ride to see what Rochester's Breathtaking Panorama near the North Main Street Bridge looked like in real life. The Artist's rendering, in The Rochester Voice, of sidewalks, trees landscaping was impressive. Even those little island patches of grass made that esplanade shine! The vastness, of what looked like the Great Bay, could be seen far out onto the horizon. If Jim Neighbors (Gomer Pyle) were around to see this, he'd say, "Gawleeee!" What really caught my eye was the deception and fraudulent misrepresentation of this location, as it relates to the taxpayer. This doesn't show the homes that surround this parcel of land, even the ones on the same side of the street. Things like peeling paint: warnings, fines or perhaps getting tenants or even getting citizens Government Grants, in order to maintain their abode to the city of Rochester's "Pipe Dreams." Perhaps, the city plans to "fumigate" residents out of there homes, through their insidious, treacherously crafty, proposed Internationally Directed Home Beautification Mandates. Lord knows, no one knows beauty like our City Miscreants. Perhaps, citizens will leave on their own. Perhaps the city will propose a property buyout. Just like Union Street. The Rochester City's Motto: "Buy you out, and Be Gone!" Seems the City of Rochester has discovered it's in the possession of a surplus $1.4 million. Furthermore this cash must be allocated by December 31, and expended by December 31, 2026. They first must find a Sticky Wall Project to throw money at, then have this fiasco completed in under two years. Can you say it'll likely become 10+ year, Value Added Extension. (Don't kill the job) The Riverwalk Committee wants an extended landing overreach, to overlook the banks of the Cocheco River on North Main Street. Seems like only yesterday City Councilor Walker was at the dedication of a park bench and a Water Fountain Feature at this "Esplanade." Seems Mr. Walker has been known to bloviate over the past two decades about his desire for a riverwalk. I can't remember any specific location mentioned that was suitable. Had he perhaps, 20 or so years ago "commanded" a weed whacker to be joined by a few hearty dedicated souls and volunteers to attack the "Shrubish," that surrounds Rochester, he'd now have some "Weed Cred!" "Shrubish" is a combination of grass, tall weeds, rubbish and other paraphernalia, entwined in a mass cluster. Weed whackers are easily foiled when the String wraps around this stuff. Yes - $200,000 (2 Hundred thousand dollars towards the Design Work alone) what a bargain. Just think, not even a moving part. To do what? Watch trash and debris float by or accumulate on the rocks below? Perhaps a local seasoned Barrington Metal Trash Artist, for a fee, can scrounge up enough "Junk" to create another masterpiece to place at the end this outcropping. It should be noted that the "bulk" of some of his "Ahtwork" is located across from Rochester's KFC. It's obvious these Demented Spendthrifts are totally clueless to Real World conditions. As Bob Dylan wrote in 1962, (sort of) "The answer my friend is P****ng in the Wind" To those fishing off the rocks below, bring an umbrella.
- Lou Archambault, Gonic