New Hampshire's Open Snowmobile Registration weekend runs through Sunday, during which riders from throughout New England, as well as those from all around the U.S. and Canada will have the opportunity to explore the over 7,000 miles of picturesque trails New Hampshire has to offer snowmobilers.
During this time sleds legally registered to ride in other states and provinces will be permitted to operate on New Hampshire's trails. All other New Hampshire laws and regulations regarding the operation of snowmobiles will be enforced, including speed limits, safety equipment, carrying signed landowner permission letters, compliant exhaust systems relative to noise and decibel levels, and youth operation standards.
"This weekend is one of the highlights of the winter for many resident and non-resident riders," said NH Fish and Game Law Enforcement Captain Michael Eastman, who coordinates snowmobile and off-highway recreational vehicle enforcement, registration, and safety education for the Department. "It's a great opportunity for residents and visitors alike to explore some of the most beautiful parts of the state that can be most easily accessed by snowmobile in the winter."