Correction: Selectmen will take half of $131,000 in FEMA money that has been held since 2011 to help pay off the Rescue deficit. The $131,000 figure was misstated in a story published on April 1. The Lebanon Voice regrets the error.
Also, the town is not behind on its payments to CMP for the “No spray” agreement as stated in the same story. CMP, however, has changed its process of cutting one half of the lines one year, and then cutting the other half the next year. They will now cut the whole line every other year at a cost to the town of $44,400 per cut. In order to budget smoothly, the town will make yearly payments of $22,200. The town was appropriating $12,500 to pay for 40% of the total cost of cutting on the lines this year, but since CMP has decided to do no cutting this year, the entire amount of $12,500 will go to pay down the Rescue deficit.