Let's not get fooled again.
After eight years of Obama, with his failed stimulus plan, his failed health care plan and his failed foreign policy, it's time for change.
Raise your hands if you're better off than you were eight years ago.
If you're not working for the government, a government-money fueled contractor or some crony, crooked, left-leaning nonprofit, we'll just bet your hands are not raised, unless you think getting food stamps or fuel assistance is a major win-win.
If Obama had spent the stimulus plan on stimulus instead of implementing Common Core, selling us out to Solyndra or some other cockamamie scheme, we might not be in the mess we are.
But he didn't. He began trying to fashion this country into a second-rate power with a third-world mentality.
And by the looks of our education testing scores against the rest of the industrialized world, he's doing a great job at that.
Now Hillary Clinton is talking about another huge infrastructure investment, just like Obama did with his shovel-ready projects.
Well, guess what? Obama didn't deliver, and neither will Hillary.
We had to laugh at SNL this weekend. Not with them, actually, just at them, for trying to portray the mainstream press as uninterested in pursuing anti-Trump stories, like how he's supposedly in bed with the Russians.
Instead of showing Baldwin planting a kiss on Putin's mouth as part of their homophobic sketch, they should've shown Lester Holt or Samantha Guthrie planting a kiss on Hillary's keyster.
Talk about clever. Make it look for the millenials and gen-xers who watch the show like the media is ignoring all the negative stories about Trump while focusing on the negative stories about Clinton when the exact opposite is true, proved by just looking at the numbers, which are four negative stories on Trump to just one on Hillary over the past many moons.
Now, to be sure, Trump's no choir boy over the years, but are you thinking Hillary was? C'mon, man!
Now, check this out. How many times have you heard NBC's Katy Tur, who covers the Trump campaign, referenced his actions as eyebrow raising or head scratching? I'll tell you. About 127 in the past three days.
Now how many times have you heard Andrea Mitchell, who covers Hillary for NBC, mention head scratching or eyebrow raising? I'll tell you. Maybe once when Hillary had an extra latte.
Now the nice thing about saying what someone did is raising eyebrows? You don't have to source those sentiments. You just say it, like, "Trump is raising eyebrows today, after blah blah blah."
Yeah, they (the media) just keep planting the seed that what you're doing is somewhat eyebrow raising (flaky). And they hope after months of doing that, you know, repetition, it will stick.
Well, look at Benghazi, at the use of a private email server for emails that threaten national security, about disclosing nuclear secrets during a televised debate, about collecting money as secretary of state from countries that persecute gays and lesbians and then do that country's bidding so your Clinton Foundation gets a few million dollars. Does that raise your eyebrows, or make you want to scratch your head?
And now the Clintons say they'll divest themselves of the foundation if Hillary is elected. Well, duh, they got millions of dollars salted away. They can afford to divest .... now. Why not when she was secretary of state when it was dubbed "Bill Clinton Inc."?
Talk about eyebrow raising material.
So no matter who you vote for, let's not get fooled again.