Sometimes it's a good thing to get out of your comfort zone.
Now my comfort zone is my little home office in West Lebanon, Maine, the halls of Strafford County Courthouse or the streets of Rochester, Milton, Barrington, Somersworth and Strafford.
But on Saturday The Rochester Voice bid adieu to the Northern Seacoast and ventured south, first to Dover and then to North Hampton for a GOP soiree at the lovely home of David and Cathi Remington, as charming hosts as you'd ever dream of.
The mission?
To spread the word about Evan Liberty of Rochester, who has been imprisoned for six years in a travesty of justice that makes the Mueller Russian collusion hoax look like child's play.
Evan, who is from Rochester, was convicted in October 2014 for a crime he never committed. You can read about it in the pages of The Rochester Voice by just Googling his name, Raven 23, Biden 4 followed by The Rochester Voice and you'll have a month's worth of reading material.
But back to yesterday.
First we stopped in Dover and hung out with signs for Evan at the corner of Washington Street and Central Avenue for about a half hour. It was windy as hell, but the sky was clear and the air brisk.
We also hung out for a while outside the offices of U.S. Jeanne Shaheen who famously told The Rochester Voice at the Lydall groundbreaking a couple of months ago that she'd never heard of Evan Liberty.
What a crock!
She's been mired in the D.C. swamp for a decade and was there during Evan's bogus trial, which was held in D.C. of all places because the prosecution manufactured venue by having one of their "phony state's witnesses" surrender there.
Anyway, more than one Washington insider has told me that for Shaheen to say she's never heard of Evan Liberty and didn't know he was from the state she represented, well, that's a stretch. Like rubber band snap in your face stretch.
So how is it, Jeanne, that former N.H. Congressman Frank Guinta, a Republican; and former U.S,. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, a Republican, both know Evan's from the Lilac City and got railroaded and tossed under the train?
How is that, Jeanne??!!
After our time in Dover we headed to the Remingtons where Cathi and David had a roaring outdoor fire for what was billed as a "fireside chat" among GOPers about the upcoming election.
Among those attending were Matt Mowers, Republican candidate for District 1 rep vs. Democrat incumbent Chris Pappas, Brigadier General Donald Bolduc of Stratham, who ran for Senate but lost in the primary to Corky Messner and Republican, Eddie Edwards, who lost to Pappas in 2016 and is currently on the Black Voices for Trump advisory board.
(Speaking of Pappas, when I spoke with him at 2019's Gay Pride Day in Rochester he "acted" very concerned about Evan's plight, gave me his card and urged me to follow up. I did. And lo and behold, more crickets!)
Bolduc may have given the most impassioned speech of the night, declaring that this next election could very well be the most important election of our lifetime.
"This is New Hampshire, we don't want to become a Massachusetts or a Maine," Bolduc said. "Here in New Hampshire we like our liberty."
After the candidates spoke, we gave a brief talk about the plight of Evan Liberty and Raven 23/Biden 4 and urged them to learn more about it and demand their immediate pardon and release.
If you read Saturday's Top Story in The Rochester Voice you'll see just how nefarious of a prosecution the feds foisted on the Biden 4. You'll also get a link to a recent motion by an Illinois attorney to immediately vacate all charges against Evan and his comrades.
Here's what you can do to join the movement to free Evan.
To urge New Hampshire's two senators and Dist. 1 rep to support a presidential pardon use the following portals.
To write a letter to President Trump urging a pardon. Mail it to the White House through this government portal. A letter suggested by the group "Free Raven 23" is below.
President Donald J. Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Re: The Decorated Veterans of Blackwater's Tactical Support Team Raven 23
Dear President Trump:
I am writing on behalf of four decorated veterans who need your help. These men--Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty, Nick Slatten, and Paul Slough--went to war for our country and served deployments to some of the world's most dangerous regions. Then, after their tours were over, they went back into harm's way as contractors supporting the Department of State's mission to bring democracy to Iraq.
In 2007, while working under Blackwater's contract with the State Department, they came under fire and faced a car bomb threat in a Baghdad war zone. They used the force necessary to do their jobs and come home to their families, only to find themselves convenient targets of a political witch hunt. For nearly eleven years, they have been fighting their way through a civilian justice system that has failed at every turn.
As a result of numerous rights violations during the legal proceedings, one of these men (Nick) is scheduled to be retried (by a second civilian jury) in June 2018. The other three men (Dustin, Evan, and Paul) will be resentenced sometime after that.
I ask that you look into their case. These are good, honorable men who, under stronger leadership, would still be fighting for this country, not against its government. What has passed for justice so far in their case is anything but, and it is time that is recognized through a presidential pardon.
[Your name]
To listen to Congressional Justice for Warriors Caucus leader Louie Gohmert's comments on a Raven 23/Biden Four podcast go to
To sign the online pardon petition go to
And no matter what your political stance is, The Rochester Voice urges everyone to get out and vote.