MILTON - Nute High School and Library went into its second lockdown in as many days this morning after a student reported they saw someone's vehicle pull into the school parking lot that didn't belong there.
Princpal Jan Radowicz said she immediately called for a lockdown and Milton Police were there within a minute.
She said police scoured the entire school and found no one suspicious on campus, and classes resumed on a day there was to be an early dismissal due to an impending snowstorm.
After the lockdown was over school officials pored over surveillance video and found that no suspicious vehicle had, in fact, turned into the back parking lot.
It was later learned that the vehicle the student had identified as suspicious did not, in fact, belong to the individual he believed to be the owner.
Radowicz said Milton Elementary School temporarily went into a soft lockdown due to its proximity to Nute High and Library.
Guerdon Zerbinopoulos, 18, of Milton, a former student, was charged with criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct after his refusal to leave school grounds triggered a lockdown on Tuesday.
Zerbinopoulos, who had previously dropped out of school at Nute, gained entry to the office to speak with administrators, but then refused to leave, Radowicz said today.
After administrators insisted, he finally left with no specific threats against the school or individual students reported.
Ironically, students earlier Tuesday had a practice lockdown just hours before the real lockdown occurred.