When I was working as a copy editor at the Lowell (Mass.) Sun, there was one news editor who said we had to have a picture of the president in some section of the paper ... every day.
"Because it assures the American people that their president is fine and their country is fine," he said.
Well, right now I believe neither our president nor our country is "fine."
As we watch the news cycle, it looks more like a spin cycle. When we watch coverage of the White House it looks more like A soap opera thaN a working government.
The White House spokesperson saying the president wasn't given a checkup due to his comatose debate performance when some governors who met with Biden said the president told them he did get a checkup?
Hunter Biden sitting in on top level meetings as a trusted adviser?
The Biden family urging him to stay in the race despite his infirmity?
Of course, that's one question we know the answer to. The end of Biden's presidency means the end of that cash cow.
To be clear, for the Democrats this is one sticky wicket.
Bypassing Vice President Kamala Harris to insert California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer would be a disaster from a racial prism, but to be clear, Kamala Harris polls worse than Biden.
And while media outlets are replete with stories wrangling about how they go about switching out the "Big Guy," few are openly calling for the 25th Amendment, which orders the president of the Senate and Speaker of the House to declare in writing that the Commander in Chief is unfit to serve. Which he obviously is!
Contrast that to when President Trump was in office during which media outlets pushed the 25th amendment narrative some 600 times.
In fact, the mainstream media has been covering for the president the way they did for FDR during WWII.
But there's a big difference between the two. FDR still had a brain even though he was in a wheelchair.
You can't say the same about Biden.
Remember, he's not only the president, he's the Commander in Chief. Do you trust him with the nuclear button in the event of a national emergency or threat of nuclear confrontation?