CONCORD, N.H. - The long-awaited television show produced for Animal Planet showcasing the work of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department's Law Enforcement and biological staff is scheduled to air this Sunday at 9 p.m..
From the White Mountains of the Northeast, to the rocky shores of the Atlantic Ocean, all-new series "North Woods Law: New Hampshire features the Conservation Officers of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.
New Hampshire's wild and rugged landscape makes the state a premiere destination for outdoorsmen and women, and makes the work of Conservation Officers and other Fish and Game staff diverse and demanding.
"We are pleased at the potential the New Hampshire series has for raising public awareness of the complexities of wildlife enforcement and management," and said Colonel Kevin Jordan, Chief of NH Fish and Game Law Enforcement. "Audiences will be able to see firsthand how Fish and Game staff work together to protect these resources for all of us."
The Maine version of the show which aired for several years, came under heavy scrutiny last April after a Maine Sunday Telegram story alleged entrapment and evidence padding by Maine game wardens after an episode called "Throttle Out" about a the bust of a major poaching ring in the Allagash.