MILTON MILLS - Starting Wednesday the Milton Free Public Library will be open to patrons on Wednesdays and Saturdays without an appointment. We know you are looking forward to browsing and using the computers again and we are looking forward to seeing you.
There are a few guidelines we ask you follow for the safety of all patrons and our staff:
* Masks or face coverings are still required in the library
* We will ask you to use hand sanitizer and fill out our visitor check in form upon entering
* Only eight patrons allowed in the building at a time
* Please social distance as much as possible
Please help us follow these guidelines for keeping safe so that we can keep the building open. Porchside pickup will still be available for those who prefer it. Thank you for your cooperation and patience!
** What We Were Doing While You Were Gone...
Our hardworking library page, Joseph, in our brand new Young Adult section
Be ready for some changes when you come back into the library. We undertook a major of reorganization of our children and juvenile's section. Fiction and non-fiction are now organized by genre - so if you have a child who loves reading about trucks or animals, for example, you'll know just where to look. We hope you'll find the new layout helpful to your young readers. The other big change is that we were able to move our Young Adult section onto the adult side of the library, with extra room for easy browsing. Please ask for help if you have trouble finding anything.
** The Swings Are Back
Great news everyone, the swings are back. A big thank you to Milton Public Works Department for putting them up and to the Friends of the Milton Free Public Library for purchasing them. Enjoy the playground!
** Story Time
The weather is getting better in fits and starts, so we hope to hold story time each Thursday morning at 10:30 AM on the playground. If the weather is iffy, please check Facebook by 9 AM for updates. We look forward to seeing you there!
** Grant From the Preservation Alliance
The Milton Free Public Library has been awarded a 50% matching grant for $3,263 to fund a historic building assessment report help guide us through the next stage of repairs to our little library. This project was funded in part by a grant from the NH Preservation Alliance ( , which receives support for its grants program from the NH Land and Community Heritage Investment Program ( (LCHIP). We are grateful to LCHIP and the Preservation Alliance for their help in keeping our building in good repair, and to Preservation Company ( of Kensington, NH, who are undertaking the report. We are also grateful to our community and the Town of Milton for valuing our historic buildings and public library!