CONCORD - DHHS announced 361 new positive test results for COVID-19 on Sunday, including 50 minors and 36 from Strafford County.
No new hospitalizations or deaths were announced.
Several functions of the state's DHHS website are down including maps that show local numbers.
Rochester EOC and Fire Chief Mark Klose said as of Sunday there were 37 active cases in the city.
New Hampshire COVID-19 Summary Report
NH Persons with COVID-191 14,671
Recovered 10,866 (74%)
Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 499 (3%)
Total Current COVID-19 Cases 3,306
Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 814 (6%) Current Hospitalizations 69 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)2 384,752 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Antibody Laboratory Tests2 32,647 Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL N/A Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL3 654 Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 5,950