CONCORD - The Attorney General's Office today announced that Riverside Speedway had decided not to defy the Governor's Emergency Order that prohibits gathering of more than 10 people.
Michael Humphrey, the owner of the track, had allowed fans into the stands at his Northumberland racetrack last Saturday, but now has decided to stand down..
"Mr. Humphrey has publicly indicated that there will be no race this weekend, and that he intends to voluntarily comply with the Governor's Emergency Orders and the specific guidance for racetracks," the AG's office said. "The objective of the Governor's Orders is to protect the public health. Mr. Humphrey's decision advances that important objective."
The Attorney General's Office was in contact with Humphrey on Wednesday and informed him that it was prepared to seek immediate injunctive relief to ensure Gov. Sununu's order was followed.
"Given that Mr. Humphrey has publicly stated that he intends to voluntarily comply with the Governor's Emergency Orders, the Attorney General's Office will take no further action at this juncture," the statement said.
Last week Humphrey opened in defiance of the order, and while the stands were not packed, the number of fans there were in the hundreds.