I was flabbergasted this morning when I watched The Today Show and they mentioned the report about text messages between FBI agents - one of whom was high up the chain on the Mueller team investigating Russian-Trump collusion and the Hillary Clinton email probe.
During the story done by an NBC reporter, they reported that some on the right had blasted the messages as showing prejudice against Trump, because of demeaning terms used about the president by the two.
Demeaning? Are you serious?
Does this sound like demeaning?
Here's one from August 2016 before the election from FBI lawyer Lisa Page to her boyfriend Peter Strzok, the aforementioned lieutenant on Mueller's team:
"And maybe you're meant to stay where you are because you're meant to protect the country from that menace." (This is clearly a reference to a Trump presidency).
Strzok replies:
"Thanks. And of course I'll try and approach it that way. I can protect our country at many levels ...."
Here's another back and forth between the two. Strzok says,
"I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office - that there's no way he gets elected - but I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40...."
The reference to "Andy" is most likely Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who along with Strzok supervised the FBI probe into Clinton's email server scandal.
The report on The Today Show never mentions these "smoking gun" emails, only that the two exchange disparaging comments about Trump: i.e. "he's a moron" ... "he's an idiot" type stuff.
Why do you suppose NBC didn't mention the messages that show a proclivity by two run amok agents to do whatever it takes to take down a possible Trump presidency?
Instead of referencing them as just "demeaning." It's way more than that.
I knew all along it was NBC's holy grail to take down Trump, but I didn't know that was part of the FBI mission as well.
Now consider this, Strzok was the agent who changed the wording on former FBI director James Comey's memo regarding Hillary Clinton's email probe from saying her handling of emails was "gross negligence" to "extremely careless."
"Gross negligence" can be prosecuted; "extremely careless" not so much.
This guy Strzok is turning up way too much.
By the way, nice investigative reporting, NBC. Maybe your next big investigative work can be titled, "Where in the world is Matt Lauer?"
For a compelling read on these latest revelations click here to read a report by Gregg Jarrett of Fox News. Not that we're pushing Fox News. Just you won't read this story on the other networks.