To the editor:
A truth the right side of the aisle must wrestle with: under the guise of patriotism, the Deep State international cabal uses American foreign policy to advance global interests. Did you know that Congress has not followed its constitutional duty to declare war since WWII? America has ceded its power to declare war to the cabal since Pearl Harbor. Who is this "cabal"? It's is the regional military arm of the UN a.k.a. NATO. Thinking critically one might ask: Why is America sending 100,000 troops to defend 29 nations in Europe, all under the command of NATO, while simultaneously ignoring the invasion of our southern border? Answer: The cabal tells us it's Patriotism, however it's the truth played out before our eyes, it's the advancement of global interests at the expense of our men and women in uniform.
U.S. troops serve under UN command because Congress shrinks from its responsibility to declare war. Citizens have no control over the UN or NATO. Because of this, military families in NATO countries lose God given protections of the Bill of Rights and live under the laws of European Union nations.
Does spending 65 billion dollars to protect Ukraine this year with the higher cost of American blood looming make sense? This foreign policy is not American, it represents the advocates of one world government who have dominated our nation for the past century.
The UN Peace dove is a fraud, and its military arm NATO, sold as a way to defend European nations from the USSR, is part of the con-game. Article 52, Section 1 of Chapter VIII of the UN Charter allows for "maintenance of international peace and security and regional actions of agencies" such as NATO or SEATO in Vietnam. These agencies are required to conduct their activities consistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Do you remember 911? The UN Security Council Resolution 1441 was issued to President Bush in 2002. This was permission for our President to commit American troops to battle in Iraq. Later resolutions would spread the conflict to Syria and Afghanistan. One does not ask permission from an inferior power, but to a superior power.
Let's look closer at the UN Charter written by FDR Adviser Alger Hiss, a Soviet Agent. Chapter VIII, Article 54 states:
"The Security Council shall at all times be kept fully informed of activities undertaken or in contemplation under regional arrangements or by regional agencies for the maintenance of international peace and security."
China and Russia are on the Security Council. Do you trust their leaders with NATO's strategies of war? I don't! Isn't it strange that American diplomats at the San Francisco Conference in 1945 agreed that our two future enemies would know all of our planned military strategies in UN-condoned wars? Is this why we didn't win the UN war in Korea and Vietnam? UN Anti-American war policy was initiated in Korea and Vietnam. The results are on display on the Korean War Veterans Monument and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. That's what you call bloody anti-American diplomacy that our Congress and one Administration after another ignore. Congress continues to enable this compromise of our war powers because there's no accountability that will blame them for sending troops to battle.
We need to get out of NATO and the UN. American liberty depends on holding our leaders accountable to the Constitution. We can't enforce it unless we know it. Knowledge of this great document designed to limit government must replace loyalty to party. We need to implore our federal Congress to co-sponsor the American Sovereignty Restoration Act for 2023. We won't win the battle until our people gain a sufficient understanding of congressional responsibilities and limitation placed on our leaders by the Constitution. Check out JBS.ORG or contact Regional John Birch Coordinator Matt Rhodes about the seminar called The Constitution is the Solution at 207-391-0970.
- Russ Payne