MILTON - Worries over Tropical Storm Andrea kept crowds down for Saturday’s opening day of Milton’s Summer Kickoff, but today’s forecast promises sunny skies and a full complement of activities is planned, according to event organizers.
In addition to the South Shore Outboard Association (See story, Lifestyles section) which will be back with another full slate of races, an Antique Auto show begins at 9 a.m.
The boat races begin at noon, weather permitting, and finish around 4 p.m.
Yesterday’s gloomy forecast also led to an abbreviated food vendor section, though the Damon House chili was exceptional. Hopefully, they’ll be back today.
Milton Fire and Rescue as well as Milton Police are also expected to be back on hand giving kids a chance to sit in a firetruck or police car, or even Hummer.
On Saturday Milton Fire Chief Nick Marique and several other firefighters took turns rappelling swiftly down a 50-foot rope attached to the top of a ladder truck.
Meanwhile, Milton Police Officer Thomas Hebert delighted youngsters with an up-close and personal look at the department’s Hummer.
Today’s venue includes:
The Second Annual Milton Antique & Custom Rod Show sponsored by WyoTech will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., with assorted activities such as a 50/50 drawing, door prizes and music.
Awards will be given in three categories: Best of Show; People’s Choice and Children’s Choice.
Meanwhile, the Third Annual Antique Boat Show will be kicking off at 9 a.m. as well.
There will also be several other civic groups on hand, including:
*** Milton Cub Scouts Pack #155/Scout Troop #155 will be selling assorted food throughout the weekend, including burgers and dogs, chips, soda, etc. as a fund-raiser.
*** The Milton Babe Ruth League will have a benefit selling candy, popcorn, hot dogs, drinks and assorted goodies.
*** The Town House Stewardship Committee will be on hand with T-shirts and postcards to raise funds for the Milton Town House Project. There will be a donation box and information on the progress of the restoration and what they have already accomplished.
*** The Milton Fire Department and Milton Police Department will also be on hand in case they’re needed. They will also have some of their apparatus on hand so that families can get an up-close look at their vehicles and equipment.
*** Local face painting artist Linda Lamper will be entertaining children beginning at 10 a.m.
*** Patches the Clown will be on hand from noon-2.
*** There will be a Cheertastic Demonstration by Sophie Walsh and Justice Smith at 11:30 a.m.
*** End 68 Hours of Hunger will be on hand as well to help spread the word on a program that helps needy kids from going hungry on the weekend.
*** The Damon House Life Skills Program will have kids games for the event and will be selling chili and drinks as well as hosting a raffle to help fund-raise for their life skills program.
*** The Milton Recreation Department will have Camp Three Ponds information available for those seeking to have their children attend this summer.
The Milton Recreation Department is inviting all residents and neighbors to come down to the beach and see the improvements that have been made in the past few years.
Please note there will no swimming or boat launch use during this event on either day.
Milton Town Beach/Boat Launch seasonal passes will be on sale during the event at the gatehouse.
The fee for admission today is a donation to the Milton Food Pantry in the form of nonperishables or canned goods. Donations will be accepted at the gate. If you would rather give a monetary donation instead of a food donation to the Milton Food Pantry, that will also be gratefully accepted at the gate as well.