Tuesday's town voting in Milton showed Claudine Burnham edging Humphrey Williams for the third seat on Milton's Board of Selectmen, 323, 290.
Meanwhile, in a heavily contested race Pat Smith fought back a challenge by Andrew Rawson for public works director, 376-251.
Former selectmen Mike Beaulieu along with Robert Carrier and Laura Turgeon all won seats on the town's budget committee.
And in a five-way race for two planning board seats Paul Steer and Anthony Gagnon prevailed.
Milton's $4.6 million town operating budget was overwhelmingly approved, 433-192.
A plan to give town employees automatic grade and step pay increases beginning in 2022 got by on a thinner margin, 332-291.
The single-biggest ticket item outside the operating budget, a $349,000 drainage project in the Dawson and Silver streets area, was approved, 343-286.
Voters also overwhelmingly approved $5,000 to repair the boat ramp at Milton Town Beach, 443-186.
The lone request ditched was a petition warrant article to appropriate $140,000 to pave the Class V portion of Bolan Road. It was soundly defeated 350-257.
On the schools side, Abigail Rooney and Douglas Shute won spots on the town's school board.
A school operating budget of $11.2 million was approved, 397-200. All the supplemental funding requests also passed easily.
In Strafford, Donald Coker bested runnerup Kerry McMahon by just 13 votes, 138-125, to win a Strafford selectmen's seat on Tuesday. Daniel Kern took third with 82 votes.
In the only other contested race, Timothy Reed's 265 votes won a seat on the town's planning board over Don J. Clifford, who received 203 votes and Bruce Patrick, 149.
School board slots went to Elizabeth Mason, 422 votes, and Eric Almanzan, 394.
Two zoning warrant articles that instituted a planning board process by which applicants would need to have nonbinding conceptual consults with the board before submitting formal applications both passed easily.
In Farmington Kenneth Dickie Jr. and Douglas Staples were voted in as three-year selectmen. Dickie ended up the top vote getter with 291 votes, followed by Staples with 214, Ann Titus with 177, TJ Place with 152 and David Connolly with 101.
The only other contested race was for Supervisor of the Checklist where Kathy Seaver bested Penny Morin, 345-146.
All of the proposed zoning amendments passed easily except for one dealing with temporary and permanent storage units within the town, which was narrowly rejected, 248-229.
Farmington's other warrant articles will be held by traditional town meeting format at the Old Town Hall beginning tonight at 7 p.m.
On the schools side, Mary Barron won another school board term over Stacy Lauze and Jessica Parker, 239-173-86, respectively.
Voters also easily approved a $16.5 million operating budget as well as all other spending items.