Date arrest, name, address, age, charges, court date, bail
10/3/20, Michael F. Sargent, Silver St., Milton, NH, 45, Driving after suspension, suspended registration, 11/18/20, violation, PR bail
10/06/20, Alana Breton, Shapleigh Rd., Lebanon, Maine, 34, driving after suspended, 11/25/20, PR bail
10/08/20, Shamus McSharry, Remick St., Milton, NH, 18, theft by unauthorized taking, 1/20/21, PR bail
10/08/20, Tayla K. Willey, Hare Rd, Milton, NH, 21,DV assault, resist arrest X 2, crim mischief, 10/08/20, PR bail
10/17/20, Autrey J. Tullos, School House Lane, West Lebanon, Maine, 32, driving after suspension, 11/25/20, PR bail
10/17/20, Bradley Maxwell, Sewell Shores Rd., Lebanon, Maine, 19, Negligent driving, 11/25/20, violation
11/27/20, David A. Joy Jr., Unknown, Lebanon, Maine, 35, stalking DV, 10/28/20, held
10/31/20, Jeffrey E. Potvin, Foxes Ridge Road, Acton, Maine, 32, suspension of vehicle registration, 11/25/20, PR bail
11/01/20, Olivia N. Childs, Charles St., Rochester, NH, 26, Agg DUI, DUI, DUI impairment, speed, 12/09/20, PR bail
11/05/20, Ashraf Eldeknawey, Summit Terrace, Falmouth, Mass., 48, DV, crim threat, 12/23/20, PR bail
11/03/20, Nicholas A. Boudreau, Jug Hill Rd, Milton Mills, NH, 33, DUI, DUI 3rd, conduct after accident, 11/25/20, PR bail
11/14/20, Jeffrey J. Bilodeau, Porter Rd, Milton, NH, 29, driving after suspension, suspension of registration, 12/23/20, violation
11/22/20, Susan Costello, Elm St., Milton, NH, 32, 2nd degree assault, crim threat-deadly weapon, simple assault X 5 DV, 11/23/20, PR bail
11/25/20, John Ducharme, Libety Circle, Milton, NH, 62, dog menace, 1/20/21, violation