Date arrest, name, address, age, charge, court date, bail
2/24/19, Caleb Gingras, Beauty Hill Rd., Barrington, NH, 23, crim mischief, 2/25/19, pr
2/24/19, Dimitri J. Holsapple, Cleo Dr., Rochester, NH, 18, driving after suspension, 3/19/19, violation
2/25/19, Fredrick Fowler, Kennebunk, Dr., Lebanon, Maine, 56, open container, 3/19/19, violation
2/26/19, Dylan B. Lafogg, Autumn St., Rochester, NH, 18, DV crim threatening, 2/27/19, $1,500 pr
3/11/19, Jordan D. Pimentel, Post Rd, Warwick, RI, 25, suspended registration, 4/2/19, violation
3/11/19, Matthew T. Parlato, Willey Rd., Milton Mills, NH, 47, DUI, 4/9/19, n/a
3/13/19, Christin A. Belanger, Hopper Rd., Acton, Maine, 28, disobeying an officer, drive after suspension, endangering the welfare of a child, open container, 4/9/19, $1,500 pr
3/16/19, James Doherty, Silver Brook Rd., Milton, MA, 43, excessive speed, 4/23/19, n/a
3/16/19, Joshua J. Dore, Pleasant View Circle, Dover, NH, 29, bench warrant, 3/18/19, n/a
3/18/19, Delbet J. Ouellette Jr., Pine Knoll Ln., Lee, NH, 48, weight limits, town ordinance, 4/23/19, n/a
3/21/19, Richard J. Reaux, Applebee Rd., Milton Mills, NH, 62, DWI, 3/26/19, n/a