When Milton residents last year first heard talk of a proposed landfill on Piggott's Hill, there was such outcry from the general public that we thought it would never make it to the ballot box.
But in Milton, where all you need is something like 25 signatures to validate and move forward a citizen's petition, we were proved wrong.
Still, we knew there was no way Milton residents would be duped by empty promises of jobs and money in exchange for mucking up the pristine beauty of Milton Three Ponds, the economic engine of Milton's past, present and, if Question 3 fails on Tuesday, it's future.
But then you add the money - tens of thousands of dollars - in slick advertising, propaganda and information spin - and now, sadly, it could be a tossup.
One of the fulcrums upon which supporters are pressing for the need for the proposed landfill is to help our seniors. We always find it sad when politicians and corporate America seem to "play the elderly card" to achieve their desired goals.
Selectman Tom Gray, quoted in a recent mailer by proposed landfill operator ReEnergy, says Milton needs the landfill, because it will bring "an estimated $500,000 a year in benefits to our town that we can use to help keep our property taxes low for elderly and seniors on a fixed income."
First, a shoutout to Gray: THEY AIN'T LOW!
Second, THERE'S NO GUARANTEES OF ANYTHING, not in revenue, not in economic gain, not in "local" jobs.
In fact, the more highly paid positions may easily go to transfers from other ReEnergy facilities in Maine, other parts of New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
Third, why would Gray invoke his sympathy for seniors not once, but twice, by saying the landfill would provide needed help "for elderly and seniors on a fixed income." Aren't seniors and elderly redundant? Stop pandering.
Lastly, in ReEnergy's "informational" packets, they never talk of reduced tourism, reduced property values, environmental dangers to our water supply, the Salmon Falls watershed, our loons, our eagles, or the legacy of Milton Three Ponds' pristine beauty we leave to our children and grandchildren.
Please, for all of us, for all time, vote No on 3.
- HT