To the Editor:
If Governor Sununu does not want the "boondoggle" (his own words) of extending the MBTA's commuter rail further into NH as part of his legacy, then he must VETO SB 241 if it should pass the House on June 5th.
SB 241 would start the planning phase paid for by the federal government. But the rest of the operating costs and maintenance would be the state's responsibility. NH does not have the ridership to support this massive endeavor. Ridership is down, even in higher-density areas, causing massive debt in every system in the country. The DOT's own study also suggested that not only would it not alleviate traffic on the ride from NH to Massachusetts, but it would require additional taxes and fees to maintain. NH's sparse population would not produce enough riders to sustain it. It would be a perpetual money pit.
The Governor is well aware of the DOT's study that suggests it would be a disaster for NH and not fulfill any of the promises made by high-priced lobbyists. If he is truly against an income tax he will not allow SB 241 to waste good money on outdated 19th century modes of transportation that will go unused by 99% of the public.
Tell the Governor to VETO SB 241 or he will have to live with one huge mistake.
Jane Aitken
Bedford, NH