The Franklin Gallery will reopen on Oct. 1 with an exhibit titled "From the Many - One," according to owner Kris Ebbeson, who also recently opened RiverStones Custom Framing in Rochester.
This exhibit will include a single work from each of more than 20 Seacoast New Hampshire/Southern Maine artists and will run through the month of October.
The gallery and frame shop are both located at 33 North Main St., in Rochester.
The Franklin Gallery had been housed for many years in the Ben Franklin Crafts Store, which closed in June. It was one of the last remaining venues in Rochester where local artists and photographers could display their works. When Ebbeson was given the opportunity to purchase and relocate the custom frame shop, she was delighted to learn that the purchase included The Franklin Gallery.
"The visual arts are such an integral part of the creative fabric of any community," said Ebbeson. "I'm very excited that I can continue to encourage, promote, and showcase the visual arts in the City of Rochester."
The Gallery will host an Opening Reception on Sunday, Oct. 5, from 1-4 p.m. The public is invited to come and see the exhibit and meet some of the artists. Light refreshments will be served and local jazz guitarist Steve Carter will provide music for the occasion.
The exhibit will include works in various media from both well established and emerging artists and photographers, including Ross Bachelder of Berwick, Maine; Tom Glover of Rollinsford; DJ Geribo of Alton; Don Foster of Rochester; Eric Ebbeson of Hampton; Sally Allen of Rochester; Barry Nation of Strafford; and many more.
The "From the Many, One" exhibit is especially rewarding because it presents Seacoast area art enthusiasts with a rare opportunity to see an exceptionally wide range of artists of diverse ages, interests and backgrounds, all together in one interesting, provocative show.
The Franklin Gallery and RiverStones Custom Framing are open Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Unless otherwise indicated, all exhibited Franklin Gallery artworks are available for purchase. For information about "From the Many, One" and future Franklin Gallery exhibits, contact Ebbeson at or 603-812-1488.