To the editor:
October 13th, remember that date the next time you vote. Normally It's a privilege to attend the meetings of the Executive Council, but not this time. Oh yes the meeting started out good.
But the people were crying for help.
They were losing their jobs because of President Joe Biden's mandate for mass government vaccination was forcing their employers to fire them who do not comply.
What happened to their sacred right to make their own medical decisions? For employees working in professions all the way from medical personnel, to Policemen, firemen, military and a vast number of businesses, who employ over a hundred: losing ones job is a tough pill to swallow.
Suddenly, the meeting became hazardous to liberty of conscience from the "Orwellian thought police," and became physical when the State Police responding to orders, arrested nine citizens, even one lady holding a sleeping toddler in her arms. Apparently, he was snoring too loud.
Starting out, this meeting was good, featuring an initial courageous stand by the Executive Counsel voting down a frustrated governor hungry to get his hands on the $27 million DHHS gift to finance and propagandize the unconstitutional vaccine mandates.
But then good turned to bad, against the will of the people whom they are to serve. Service became punishing people, by denying them constitutional right to refuse what they believe to be unsound medical advice.
Defying the premise that rights are God given, secured for every American by Jefferson's challenge to tyranny of his day in the Declaration of Independence with the "purpose of our government to secure rights for the people." Who will deny that this purpose of government to secure the right to enjoy and defend liberty; the right of conscience and religious beliefs have been turned upside down over the past several years?
I have watched Rebuild NH videos carefully. Apparently the half a dozen videos came from concerned people. Comparing these personal views with the videos showed on Channel 9, you see how their spin on the event turned the truth upside down.
This is the way I see it. We have a strong unseen force of evil that opposes individual liberty, that thrives on dividing segments of the population. In the past Marxist revolutions have divided Catholic from Protestant, and Jew; divisions of skin color; right to life vs the death culture; union vs management; male vs female; and LBGQT from God, family and country. The Wuhan virus pandemic has been exploited: we now have doctors being divided from patients, I myself was told by a physician in an appointment that I paid for, the comforting news that at 84 years old , "if I didn't take the vaccine, I'm dead." Disinformation coming from those we should be able to trust.
On October 13th in Concord a new divisions was made. State Policemen arresting innocent bystanders: this divided law enforcement from the people whom they are to serve and protect. Apparently, they were doing what they didn't want to do to save their jobs. The strange irony here is, their action against the people to save their own jobs, arresting people who were petitioning government servants to save their own jobs from an unconstitutional mandate.
Freedom is the Cure to save us from this government force that apparently is in collusion with the Fauci Mafia to please and profit the pharmaceuticals giants. Truly, it really isn't helpful for Channel 9 to give us their "snow job." I know their fears, they don't want to lose their jobs. Action speaks louder than words, apparently liberty cannot exist in a NH governed by Chris Sununu.
- Russell Payne,