To the editor:
The Milton Department Heads would like to take the opportunity to thank the 1,303 voters who came out and voted. It was an amazing turn out of voters. We wish to thank you for supporting the town budget and warrant articles that support our departments.
Now comes the really hard work, your department heads and elected officials are going to work extremely hard in the upcoming year to get the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and other projects off the ground and running. We will need the continued support and involvement by residents to make these projects succeed. Please come to meetings and make your voice heard on the direction, wording and funding mechanism for the CIP.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betsy Baker, Public Library Director Michelle
Michelle Beauchamp, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Brian Boyers, Code Enforcement Director
Karen Brown, Parks & Recreation Director
Rachael Cote, Welfare Director
Richard Krauss, Chief of Police
Nicholas Marique, Fire Chief
Pat Smith, Director of Public Works
Kathy Wallingford, Assessing Director