To the editor:
Just a note to remind voters that the hearing for the school budget is coming up.
Budget meting May 9th at 6:30 PM at Noble High School, School vote May 14th at the Lebanon town hall.
The main reason I am writing this is that the school department is not sending out the annual report. It can be picked up ar the town hall.
I want to make it clear that I am not against education, but I feel that with the big percentage of our tax dollar is going to the school department that the voters should be aware of the cost. We pay for this in our taxes and it's getting more expensive every year.
Last year about 150 people voted in Lebanon on the school budget, where as in the town vote over 1000 voted. Please stop by the town hall and pick up a copy of the proposed budget, and read it. Whether you go and vote is entirely up to you but I myself would love more of a turn out at the district vote.
Thank you for reading this and please pass this information on to others.
Again budget Hearing May 9th 6:30 pm
District vote May 14th Lebanon Elementary School 8am to 8pm
Robie Marsters