To the editor:
Is it just me, or should all of us here in Lebanon, be outraged at the selectman’s response to the formal grievance filed against a Town department, as reported in the The Lebanon Voice?
The BIG question: why has it taken over five months for an investigation that is still not done? Perhaps it was never going to be completed, but is only "nearly complete" now, because it has become public.
Regardless of the outcome, the grievance was essentially a safety issue as well as a misuse of department property issue. I would think a safety issue should be addresses promptly!
Either the department and individuals involved should have their “names” cleared, or the grievances should be declared valid and appropriate action taken to correct, but either way, this should be done in a timely manner.
Perhaps it is the chairman’s vast experience that is causing this delay, or all the selectman meetings he attends, or perhaps it is his lack of attention.
While I agree that Selectwoman Gerrish should not be involved, she should at least push for closure, not to mention that I would think Selectman Cole would want the issue closed, unless…….
So, why do we put up with this?? This town deserves ethical, open, honest and transparent representation in the selectman’s office, and people willing to put forth the time and effort to do the people’s business. This only changes one way folks, and that’s at the ballot box. Cast your votes wisely.
Richard "Chip" Harlow