ROCHESTER - The American Legion Riders, Post 7, Chapter 7 based in Rochester at the Roland E. Patnode Jr American Legion Post are kicking off their summer fundraiser.
The mission of the American Legion Riders is to organize and participate in charity events that help and support our veterans, their families and the local community!
This year Legion Riders were gifted a Sig Sauer 1911 pistol with the POW/MIA logo engraved on the handgrips, a value worth over $1,200. The American Legion Riders are kicking off this fund-raising effort in the hopes to raise funds to support two great organizations.
Proceeds from this raffle will support the following organizations: Mission 22, an organization that recognizes family values and the veterans experience. Mission 22 knows firsthand that veterans and service members bring extensive skills and assets to any situation. Their leadership capabilities, experiences and sense of teamwork and integrity are unmatched. Mission 22 provides resources to veterans and their families.
From recovery to wellness programs, they support both a physical and mental well-being in our veterans, service members and most important our families.
On the Hunt Veteran Strong is a nonprofit that was formed to promote and encourage outdoor activities. Buddy Hacket, who is proprietor of Renaissance Firearms in Barrington, formed this nonprofit to encourage and give back to his community, the veterans. On the Hunt Veteran Strong provides services to veterans in recreational activities such as deep-sea fishing, hunting, freshwater fishing, snowmobiling, ATV-ing, photography, hiking and more. On the Hunt Veteran Strong gets veterans reacquainted to the outdoors and nature. Last year On the Hunt Veteran Strong provided over 1,500 pounds of animal game to local veterans who may be food insecure or needed a little extra help to get through the winter months.
The American Legion Riders in Rochester are proud to name these two organizations and support them in their endeavors. Tickets are being sold for $20/each or three for $50. Our raffle will be going on from now till July 15, when we are planning a field day of events at Renaissance Firearms on Rt. 125 in Barrington to draw the winning ticket.
Tickets for this raffle can be purchased by calling Chris at 603-312-1028 or visiting You do not have to be present to win, however you must be able to pass a New Hampshire or Maine background check in order to acquire the firearm, for further information, please email Chris at