LEBANON - Lebanon Selectmen Chair Christine Torno abruptly resigned on Monday, leaving her slot vacant until Town Elections in May.
Torno, who was in the first year of her term after her landslide win in town elections last May, said in her letter of resignation that "personal matters and time constraints" drove her decision.
Torno, who works full time as a deputy town clerk in Waterboro, resigned about 10 days after longtime selectmen's secretary Susan Collins unexpectedly retired.
The unprecedented gaping hole left in town government will be temporarily filled by former selectman and planning board chair Paul Philbrick handling general assistance, former planning board clerk Jenn Griffin taking care of agendas and former selectman Ben Thompson handling assessing figures input, all tasks previously done by Collins.
Torno's departure means Selectmen Royce Heath and Paul Nadeau will comprise the board until an interim two-year selectman can be elected on May 9 at Town Elections.
Also up for re-election in May will be Heath, who finds himself now in the daunting position of running a selectmen's meeting, something he has never done before.
Meanwhile, three have already taken out nomination papers indicating they may run against Heath in May: former state rep candidate and budget committee chair Bettie Harris-Howard, three-time selectman candidate and former budget committee member Richard Harlow and former Lebanon town clerk and budget committee member Laura Bragg.
Candidates for the two-year interim selectman seat vacated by Torno also include Harris-Howard and Harlow.
As far as Collins' position, town officials have already begun the process of accepting applications, of which there are said to be many.