We're already had our fill of landfill talk.
Milton selectmen should get the drift by now that dog won't hunt so they might as well move in a different direction and stop wasting our time.
Try looking for more clean, light industry like Eastern Boats, or put your efforts into reinvigorating the downtown.
Let's have some meetings on a reclamation project at the old Ding a Ling café, or the Ray's Marina lakeside property.
There's got to be better things we could do to improve the town than adulterating its pristine and quaint qualities with a landfill, which is against the master plan, town zoning and the wishes of probably 98 percent of the people.
Why, after the overwhelming majority of folks at Tuesday night's meeting were adamantly opposed to this nonsense, do we have to do a meet and greet with the landfill developers.
We're not going to be sweet-talked with a couple of bucks. Plan and simple, we don't want it.
So let's move on.
- HT