To the editor:
With the loss of yet another Town Administrator, maybe it's time for Milton to look at how they hire a Town Administrator.
Maybe it's time that the Board of Selectmen look at hiring a company that is dedicated to providing professional, technical, and managerial services community's needs while obtaining maximum value for your
limited tax dollars.
Do you realize how many Town Administrators Milton has gone through? If my calculations are correct about 8 Town Administrators have passed through Milton in 10 years. Do any of these names ring a bell?
2018, Heather Thibideau, 2016, Jeremy Bourgeois, 2015, Elizabeth Dionne, 2013, Joe Ryan, 2012, Tony Mincu, 2007, Ed Ryan, 2008, Richard Bates, 2005, Chris Rose, 1999, Michael Feeney. Just to name a few.
Milton needs someone who will work for Milton and help control the issues that are facing this Town. Milton is in need of someone who can take the reins and make this town better again. Seven Town
Administrators in 10 years? It takes at least six months just to get up to speed in a demanding position such as this.
Milton needs leadership in many areas, including the Town Administration. Past administrators need to be met with and find out why they left. Using a firm qualified in municipal government to sort
through the applications can only help Milton to find qualified applicants.
- Les Elder,
Milton NH