Kevin Sprague Smith, born on March 5, 1964, died on June 19, 2024. Kevin was born into a family of six sisters: Sandy Fryou, Wanda Smith, Vickie Morse, Valerie Smith, Melody Young and Sherry Smith; all who couldn't wait for a brother.
Kevin's father, Richard Allen Smith, had a nickname for him, "kookabook". His mother, Grace Eleanor (Sprague) Smith, doted on him. Later, Kevin had two other siblings, a brother, Richard Allen Smith, Jr. and Becky Goldstein. In Kevin's youth, he loved being outdoors playing in the woods. He and his brother would be out all day, coming back to the house to load up with peanut butter sandwiches leave and come back in time for dinner. I believe these were "checks" that our mother set up with them to ensure they were okay. As Kevin progressed into the stages of life he became an avid reader of Stephen King often staying up all hours reading his books, he loved cribbage demonstrating patience with others' who couldn't add as quickly as he could. Kevin enjoyed fishing with his father, brother and friends. As a young man, Kevin joined the Royal Rangers for a brief time with his brother. Kevin went through a stage in his high school years where his hair meant a lot to him; probably due to the ladies making their comments; yes, he was a looker and he loved the girls. At some point Kevin started in the construction business learning from the ground up. Kevin had a head for math and an engineering brain which in his adult life assisted him in the channels of the construction business. Kevin loved the old time rock'n roll, I can see him and our mother at the Barrington dances, dancing to that song by Bob Seger. Kevin enjoyed other people having various relationships and is known for telling stories and demonstrating a kind heart for others'.
In life, things often change, and Kevin's medical issues had begun. Kevin has struggled with different medical issues for various years. Many battles at some point come to an end, and Kevin's has. He lived his life in the manner he chose. He leaves behind, his siblings, other family members, a lady he loved-Donna (Strout) Smith, friends and many acquaintances. Unbeknownst to many others', Kevin gave his life to Jesus Christ and is now with our Lord and Saviour!