To the editor:
United Nations peace is more deadly than war. Without a shot being fired in our land, UN theft of our liberty continues. 90% of UN "peacekeeping" is funded by your taxes. Yet, the peacekeepers serve the interests of the United Nations while our national sovereignty continues to erode.
Did you know that the first Secretary General of the UN at the San Francisco Conference, Alger Hiss, was later exposed as a Soviet Agent? Alger Hiss and Soviet Foreign Minister Andre Gromyko co-authored the UN Charter to promote UN "peace of the graveyard." The generational "Deep State" plot to create a New World Order depended on senatorial ignorance and public trust in 1945. Today, it depends on uninformed voters that continue to support this evil, mythical dream.
The majority of our people must awaken from apathy and ignorance about the UN and stand up for our troops. It is the informed voter's duty to convince Congress to rise up out of their timidity and challenge the unconstitutional process that permits the U.S. President to request a UN/NATO Resolution to go to war. The only permanent solution is to restore congressional power to Declare War per Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution is to get out of the UN and to get the UN out of the US.
What is the root cause? American citizens who vote for boughten, spineless representation. We have hired the congressional incompetence that permits presidential collusion with the UN/SEATO/NATO to supersede the authority given to Congress by the Constitution. As we view in the mirror the bloodstains of all of our American soldiers, some of that vivid picture of congressional moral cowardice belongs to us that surrendered the power to declare war in Korea, Vietnam, and the 20 year War on Terror. Have you paid a personal price for a UN war that they call peace?
We cannot continue to let the majority in our Congress remain silent. For the surrender of this power hides their commitment to sending our sons to battle with no accountability. Silence enables the Congress to hide from responsibility. We cannot continue to trust the lives of our sons and daughters to their inaction. Bucking the party line of the two major parties takes courage. Intimidated representation that allows the surrender of "war powers" to continue must be punished at the ballot box.
Get out of the bleachers and onto the playing field at Help Get the US Out of The UN. Demand that your Senators and Representatives sponsor and support the American Sovereignty Restoration Act. Then make a difference in NH. Support a bill to stop our state's support of unconstitutional wars. HB229 will nullify sending NH troops to fight them:
- Russ Payne,