To the editor:
Well, La Di Duh, it certainly is.
The city of Rochester has impaled itself on its own "Petard."
The City Council surrendered the Voting populace's wishes, when they voluntarily usurped their very own Legal Authority to the likes of "Unelected Scavengers."
It was obvious, back in (around) 2014 when Rochester City Management "echoed" that this very city was entering a New Era of Technological Advancements.
"WHAaaaaaT ?" you may ask yourself? ( don't worry, no one will hear you )
Well, a presenter was proposing a Round-a-Bout at Main and Washington Streets.
He looked around the room, even to the attending citizenry, for anyone, who had a question.
So, i asked: wouldn't the Main Street Bridge, being built to current standards, conflict with the Narrow Bridge configuration? The Presenter said: "Good Question?"
It was at this very moment, (Then) Mayor TJ Jean chimed in and Proclaimed:
"Questions are to ONLY come from Council Members."
Well "SOAB,"... NOT One member followed up on that question.
I realize I'm going out on a limb here, but, this project, was a done deal.
Now, after 10 +/- Years and a reported $12 Million Dollar price Tag.
And, just like any good Pizza Dough, it's likely to continue to Rise!
Lack of Enthusiasm and being Unmotivated, is the reason why most City Council members, imply,
they are not seeking reelection and are leaving.
So, what then, is a potential fix?
I believe the following Managers, for a good start, should make the Transition away from the City's Payroll Department. I'll call their absence "Transitional Awareness."
City Attorney Terence O'Rourke... how much are we saving by having a permanent Attorney?
Atty. O'Rourke should pack his assorted Shingle Collection, and head out to make his mark in the Public Sector.
Also Note: just how large is Attorney O'Rourke's "typing pool?"
These Personnel Cut-Backs and other Money Saving options, should also be considered.
Some past and the Current City Managers, should NEVER have set foot in the Council Chambers unless they were in the audience, as citizens.
Some past and current City "Planning" Managers, should meet the same fate as those listed above.
Perhaps at least one i know of, has/had a penchant for "Esplanades," in front of Your home.
Does anyone else think the word "Manager" is being used out of context?
There are "5 Functions of Management."
A Manager = Plans, Organizes, Staffs, Leads and Controls.
In Rochester, Staffing is their Main Motivational Directive.
Talk about a Dividing Force?
This unelected group made their Questionable Back Door deals out of their (expletive) Backsides.
Elected officials have been Coerced out of Representative Responsibility by this Gaggle. A Shame!
This was ALL realized by an Unelected power grab, backed by complacency.
Not only are citizens SQUASHED for even asking a question, but Now, our legitimately Elected Representatives are afforded the same treatment as you, Jo Citizen.
This is now known as, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
*As in the Old Fashioned Golden Rule: treat others like you want to be treated.
Equity Treatment does not always mean the same treatment.
Council Members, stop pandering, suck in lots of air, open your blow holes and exhale your words loudly.
Please, before your Term in the City Council expires.
Vote to "Terminate" these Opportunist Management positions.
Remember, The Unelected's Motto is:
"Never let a good throttling go to waste."
Don't let them have an Open Season on us ALL.
- Lou Archambault,