The City of Rochester will host an informational meeting on a $5.5 million reconstruction project on portions of Franklin Street and Western Avenue at the Chamberlain Street School at 7 p.m. on Aug. 3.
The City plans are to proceed with an project which will include work on Franklin Street, between South Main Street and Chamberlain Street. Reconstruction will also occur along the majority of Western Avenue. New storm drains, water lines, and sewer mains will be installed, along with new utility connections to First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Friendship streets.
Unitil also plans to install new gas mains and gas service connections in various locations.
Work on the southern end of Franklin Street, from the Railroad Tracks to Route 108, is proposed to be completed late this fall. The objective is to have base pavement installed prior to the winter plowing season. There will be some biorentention gardens installed along Franklin Street to address storm water runoff. Reconstruction along Western Avenue will include a new box-culvert for the Willow Brook crossing. The wastewater pump station located at the corner of Western Avenue and First Street will also be replaced. A new gravel wetland retention basin will be installed near this intersection to treat storm water runoff. Work on Western Avenue will continue into 2017.
All residents and property owners in the vicinity of the proposed project are encouraged to attend. Representatives from the City, the engineering design firm, and construction company (Northeast Earth Mechanics) should be on hand to share details of the project, along with an approximate schedule for the proposed work.
If residents have questions they can contact City Engineer Michael Bezanson at the Department of Public Works at (603) 332-4096.