To the editor:
May there be a revival of moral courage to those viewing the alarming facts that most New Hampshire parents do not know about what public schools are teaching their children.
At 85 years old with over a half century studying, observing and sounding many alarms about the decline in public schools which today more accurately should be called government schools, I see no hope for our schools being any better than this conclusion in the historic report by the 1983 National Commission on Excellence in Education Summation: "If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it an an act of war. As it stands we have allowed this to happen to ourselves."
Unfortunately, all the dirt was successfully kicked and hid under the rug, by the educational establishment and major media sources who have a hard time finding and telling the truth. Certainly, after 37 years there has been a continued sharp decline.
We all have this problem: Our car needs brakes so we leave it at the dealer to be serviced. When we get it back, the brakes haven't been done; instead they install a new stereo system and give the car a new paint job. Would you be happy about this? Or would you be angry?
As silly as this sounds, all over our nation, including New Hampshire, we have the Department of Education (DOE), which are like auto shops that refuse to fix our brakes.
We send our children to school to to learn the 3R's , "reading , writing and arithmetic:" we get back for our taxes something much worse than paint jobs and stereos. Just like the car doesn't get new brakes, our youth get an education completely opposite of what parents think they paid taxes for.
We send our kids to school to learn the 3R's, reading, writing and arithmetic: instead they are taught how great globalism is, and how our nationalism will bring about doomsday environmentalism.
I feel sorry for the parents who do not get what they paid for. I feel sorry for the school teachers who are forced to teach subjects contrary to good education. Because they are between a rock and hard place: they teach the federal curriculum or lose their job.
I don't feel sorry for the labor unions who gain job security, secure good wages and benefits, but otherwise reinforce the federal curriculum that is contrary to what good education should be.
Our children suffer the denial of truth. And I even feel sorry for you on school boards that seem to be under pressure to follow whatever the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) and its satellite in Concord mandates.
We need a "revival in courage" for parents to stand up for America's moral foundation, to stand behind their school boards to defy the DHHS in regard to mask mandates and the Department of Educations promotion of Critical Race Theory and Critical Social Justice.
In so doing we will be protecting the minds of our children from alien philosophies that seek to govern our nation tomorrow just like Abraham Lincoln predicted: "The philosophy taught in school rooms of one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."
Save our nation, protect your children!
- Russ Payne,