My name is Harrison Thorp. I am running as a write-in candidate for Maine House Seat 20, which includes Acton, Lebanon and western Shapleigh. I am a father, a business owner and a homeowner, and have lived in Lebanon since 1990.
I believe that the Republican and Democratic candidate on the ballot are too extreme and will add to gridlock in Augusta.
I will reach across the aisle to write legislation that will fix our welfare problem by providing incentives for those on welfare to get back to work. They'll have to apply for three jobs a week and if they get a job, they'll have to take it.
Those with felony convictions will not be allowed to collect and those with misdemeanor drug convictions will be subject to random drug tests. If they test positive, they will be denied benefits. Maine families can't afford to subsidize a life of crime and addiction.
I believe that the state of Maine is a wonderful place to live and work, but there aren't enough good paying jobs that can sustain a family. Having raised three children - my youngest is 18 - I know it isn't easy to pay the bills, keep clothes on their back and food in their stomachs.
I would promote the Route 202 corridor in Lebanon as an enterprise zone. With a divided highway and rail freight service less than three miles away, we should be able to attract light, clean industry with good-paying jobs.
I want to make government less needy of our tax dollars, by making government more efficient and less wasteful, which puts more money back in the hands of consumers who are the key to making Maine's economy prosper.
As editor of The Lebanon Voice covering local city and town governments I've seen how government works, and I want to make it work better, more efficiently and with fewer of our tax dollars.
I am very unhappy with the Obama administration, which seems hell bent on turning this into a socialist state. It's time to turn the tide. In Augusta, extreme factions of the Democratic Party want to tax and spend till we're all on assistance.
I hope you'll let me be there for you. But for me to do that, I need to have you there for me on Nov. 4. To elect me you'll have to fill in the "write-in oval" beneath the Republican and Democratic candidates for House 20 rep and write in my name in the space provided to the right of the oval.
You can reach out to me on my Facebook page key word harrisonforrepseat20 and email me at or call me at 207.432.2218.
- Harrison Thorp