History shows it's Democrats are Putin' Puppets, not Trump
8:50 a.m.
To the editor: In the wake of President Zelenskyy's disastrous visit to the White House, fake news outlets, Democrats and their Republican Neo-Con allies have regurgitated their ridiculous claim that Trump and his supporters are Putin's Puppets" This false narrative began before Trump was elected and was proven to be a complete and total lie stemming from the fake Steele Dossier that Hillary Clinton purchased. Obama used this discredited dossier to justify spying on the Trump campaign. It was Hillary, and her boss Obama, which enabled Putin. Hillary, as Secretary of State, facilitated the transfer of a percentage of our uranium to Putin. During a visit with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Obama was caught on a hot microphone saying that after the election he will have "more flexibility." Medvedev. said that he will relay the message to Putin. Mitt Romney, who hates Trump more than most, said that Obama's comments were "alarming and troubling." It was the harshest thing he said against Obama during his weak presidential campaign. But he never called him "Putin's Puppet." Long before Trump entered the political scene,100 years actually, forces in the United States including Wall Street financiers and both Republicans and Democrats have been involved in aiding and abetting the communists in Russia. Leon Trotsky was living in exile in New York City prior to the Bolshevik Revolution. In March of 1917, holding an American passport given to him by the Wilson Administration, and a large amount of money, Trotsky boarded a ship in New York Harbor to eventually join with Lenin. The Canadians detained Trotsky and seized the ship after learning that Trotsky was going to get Russia out of the war. This would have freed up thousands of German soldiers to fight on the Western Front where many Canadians were serving. When Wilson learned of Trotsky's detainment, he demanded that the Canadians free Trotsky. The Canadians relented. After the Bolsheviks seized power, Wall St. bankers, using the Red Cross as a cover, went to Russia with large sums of money to help finance the revolution. The reign of terror under Lenin began. After Lenin's death, Stalin seized power and picked up where Lenin left off with a vengeance. The U.S. under Franklin Roosevelt established diplomatic relations with Stalin's Russia. Roosevelt, despite overwhelming evidence of Stalin's atrocities, had a political love affair with "Uncle Joe." Pro-Communists reporters like Walter Duranty of "The New York Times" sent stories to their papers praising Stalin to the hilt while overlooking the forced famine in Ukraine which resulted in the deaths of millions of men, women, and children, as well as other atrocities. During World War II, we not only sent Stalin millions of dollars' worth of weapons, and supplies, we gave them materials that made it possible for Russia to be a nuclear power. This treachery was made known to us by Major Racey Jordan who was in charge of this project. His book From Major Jordan's Diary tried to warn the American people but it was smothered. A link to a speech by Major Jordan: https://youtu.be/Z9eYS0mxtpQ?si=1iJdDiQekrkZWpwg At the Yalta Agreement Roosevelt not only handed Stalin the nations of Eastern Europe but agreed to forcefully hand over millions of people who had fled from the advancing Red Army. This dark chapter in our history "Operation Keelhaul" is a little known event even to many World War II historians. I made reference to "Operation Keelhaul' in a letter to the "Brockton Enterprise" in 1988, and a survivor of this event reached out to me and gave me a firsthand narrative of this tragedy. During the Cold War. President Johnson approved of sending supplies to satellites of the Soviet Union some of which made its way to the North Vietnam and used to kill American soldiers. During the Nixon Administration, the U.S. sent technology to the Soviets making it possible for them to upgrade their nuclear missile system. The technology included miniature ball bearing from the Bryant Company in Springfield, VT. The company-the only one in the world at the time that made this ball bearing-initially refused to let the Soviets have them, but they relented due to the heavy hand of Henry Kissinger- who some believed was a Soviet Agent. This is from a Wikipedia article: " Bryant's Soviet contracts continued to be controversial that same year. Bryant's sale of 45 precision grinders enabled the USSR to improve missile accuracy and MIRV their ICBMs. Objections to the sale were quashed by Henry Kissinger. We also send the material to build the world's largest truck engine factory in the world at the time in Russia: The Kama River factory. Engines from these trucks came in handy when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. This comes right from the CIA's website: This treachery was documented by the late Professor Anthony Sutton in a series of books which include Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, National Suicide: Military Aid To The Soviet Union, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, and the three-volume book Western Aid to the Soviet Union 1917-1965. A link to a speech by Professor Sutton: https://youtu.be/9RNbM4tmKEY?si=jpz251XvRGGhUcsb It always helps to make your case by finding those involved corroborating your research. Back in the early 2000s, I took a homeschool field trip to the New England Air Museum in Windsor Locks, Conn., with two of my children. In the museum' lobby was a newsletter from United Technologies-the parent company of Sikorsky Aviation. It contained an article by Igor Sikorski Jr, the son of the aviation pioneer, and patriot. In the article, Igor bragged abut selling equipment to the Soviet bloc nations in the 1960s. I wrote to him and asked if he knew how many Americans died in Vietnam as a result of his equipment being sent from Eastern Europe to North Vietnam. For some strange reason, he neve responded to my letter. While doing research for the article, I pulled out a file of newspaper articles from the 1980s and early 1990s and found this this: When Russia invaded Ukraine, Biden, or more likely his handlers, banned the sale of Russian fossil fuels to the U.S. but he did not break off diplomatic relations which we have had since the Franklin Roosevelt Administration. Practically every U.S. President from Wilson to Obama has done their utmost to cater to the Russian communists. The Democrats and their Republican Neo-Con allies like Liz Cheney, and Adam Kissinger have labeled Trump as a "Putin's Puppet" for wanting an end to the war in Ukraine. While most have rejected their false and ugly accusation, there are a large number of people who want to believe it. I realize that simply exposing the misguided people who have bought into the "Putin's Puppet" narrative to the above will not likely change their positions. However, it will help give folks who oppose the war in Ukraine some needed historical background. Readers who would like PDF versions of Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, please E-mail me at campconstitution1@gmail.com
- Hal Shurtleff, Camp Constitution Alton