It was one year ago today that The Lebanon Voice was launched, and what a year it’s been.
We started out with one story on one page. We didn’t even think to archive that first month. We didn’t know if the paper would fly, or not.
Boy, were we in for a surprise.
Today is the writer’s birthday as well, so allow me to alliterate: Since that first story we’ve grown like the proverbial journalistic juggernaut.
Not only that, but our advertisers, the first of whom was old friend Roger Tessier of Tessier Electric who called up I think in early May and asked if he could advertise, have also grown exponentially.
“What, you mean pay me to put your ad in my paper?” I choked.
Since then, scores of advertisers from Rochester to Milton to Lebanon and Farmington have put ads on The Voice and been glad they did.
Metrocast and Big Lots are corporate accounts that saw the advantage to reach folks in Milton and Lebanon who aren’t taken seriously by other media outlets.
At The Lebanon Voice, believe me, we take you seriously. Last summer we included Milton and Milton Mills in our coverage area. What a pleasure it’s been to get to know the folks there and build the relationships we’ve built.
As you probably are well aware, The Lebanon Voice gave itself a birthday present this week, moving to a new online newspaper template on a new website. We kept the same domain and URL, which I hope readers will appreciate what a challenge that was. Seriously! Literally, I mean!
The new website makes it much easier for readers to navigate the newspaper.
Readers can also leave comments at the end of any story, which will be posted on the site after a review for taste and appropriateness.
For new readers and old, alike, the old emails will be phased out. The new email is
All the contact information is located at the bottom of the home page.
While we are working with the transition to the new website, we encourage our readers to let us know if you have any issues with viewability and accessibility to the site.
Speaking of viewability (we are just now making that a word), you’ll notice that The Lebanon Voice is now fully compatible with your smart phone and tablet as well as all other portable viewing devices.
For a while, you’ll also be able to view the old The Lebanon Voice site by hitting the Archive button on the Navigation bar at the left top of the Home Page and toggling to the former site.
From that first day of publication a year ago today when the four hits were neighbors urged to check out the site to this week when more than 2,100 hits were recorded, it’s been a wild and wonderful ride.
Thank you, everyone.
Happy Birthday to The Lebanon Voice. Soooo cute. You’re still a baby! Cootchy cooo!
To celebrate The Lebanon Voice’s birthday, and its readers, we’re giving away some Lebanon Voice hats. They’re dreamy cool. Be the first, 10th or 25th email telling us why you like The Lebanon Voice at our new email address and get yours today!
But wait, there’s more. Ha, gotcha, no there’s not. Btw, the hats ship free.