COPYRIGHT2017© LEBANON - It was 250 years ago today, a Wednesday, that the following proclamation was signed by Massachusetts Governor Francis Bernard.
"Whereas, The erecting of the plantation called Lebanon, or Towwow, into a town will greatly contribute to the growth thereof and remedy many inconveniences to which the Inhabitants and Proprietors may be otherwise subjected. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and House of Representatives, that the plantation aforesaid, beginning at Salmon Falls River, on the north bounds of the township of Berwick, and to run northeast and by east with that line six miles two hundred rods, then northwest and by north six miles and eighty rods with the Province land, then southwest and by west with the unappropriated lands of the government and a grant made to Jonathan Bagley, Esq. , to the river aforesaid, and then with the said river to the bounds first mentioned, be and is hereby erected into a town by the name of LEBANON ...," the proclamation reads in part.
And with a stroke of his pen on June 17, 1767, Lebanon became a Bay State town, which it remained until Maine gained statehood in 1820.
In celebration of the event, selectmen and Lebanon's 250th Birthday Celebration organizers gathered at Town Offices Friday afternoon to show off a time capsule into which selected mementos will be placed for posterity at the end of the celebration.
Just what goes into the capsule and where it will be stored is still "up for grabs," however, said Lebanon 250th committee chair Nancy Wyman
Wyman said that time capsules from the Lebanon 200th and Lebanon 225th had also been dedicated as part of those celebrations but the location of said capsules are unknown as of now.
She said she hopes between now and the end of the four-day festival on July 4 that their location can be determined.
As far as the time capsule that was on display on Friday, several options are on the table for its resting place including next to a Civil War memorial outside Town Offices or even inside Town Offices.
The townwide celebration will officially begin on July 1 with a parade from Center Lebanon to the Hanson School starting at 10 a.m.
Some of the highlights on July 1 include the crowning of Lebanon's King and Queen, a tractor pull and a barn dance at Seven Elms Farm on Shapleigh Road.
Other featured events include historic trolley rides with Lebanon historian Steve Woodman, a concert at Gully Oven, a field day for kids, ham and bean supper at Hanson School on Monday and a final day town picnic at Skydive New England on Tuesday.
Sadly, the Miss Lebanon pageant had to be canceled due to lack of entrants, Selectperson Laura Bragg said on Friday.
For complete details on the four-day celebration visit Facebook key word Lebanon 250th Celebration where a listing is broken down day by day.