GSCC to share stage with sister choral society, chamber orchestra on Sunday

Harrison Thorp 9:32 a.m.

GSCC to share stage with sister choral society, chamber orchestra on Sunday

The Granite State Choral Society has shared its joy of singing and love of music with friends and neighbors since 1974. (Courtesy photo/Facebook)

ROCHESTER - The Granite State Choral Society will have their first big concert of the year this Sunday at the First United Methodist Church on South Main Street in Rochester.
The group will be joined by the Nashua Choral Society and the Symphony NH Chamber Orchestra for what is expected to be a joyous musical event.

The concert, titled "Hope, Healing and Harmony," begins at 4 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online for $15 for adults, $10 for children. Tickets at the door on the day of the concert are $20.

GSCC will be busy the following weekend, too, with a "Shop 'Til You Drop Craft Fair" on May 11 at the James W. Foley Memorial Community Center.

The event, which will benefit GSCC, will see a large group of local artisans offering homemade and handmade crafts.

The craft fair runs from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Craft fair visitors will get to witness artisans in action as they showcase their techniques in the field of jewelry, pottery, textiles and woodwork.

Food and refreshments will be available at the fair, which will include more than 40 stalls featuring handmade jewelry, unique home décor, art prints and paintings, fashion accessories and ceramics and pottery.

Admission to the craft fair is free.

For more info go to

The Community Center is located at 150 Wakefield St., Rochester.