ROCHESTER - Gov. Chris Sununu on Tuesday called on the state's federal delegation to "show leadership" in the controversial imprisonment of Rochester native Evan Liberty, a decorated Marine and Spaulding High graduate who was convicted in the so-called Nisour Square massacre, a conviction that has recently been shown to be tainted by dozens of Brady violations.
The governor, who was in Rochester to accept the endorsement of the state's National Federation of Independent Business, made the comments after a brief presentation and tour inside RP Abrasives facility at the Spaulding Industrial Park. The group earlier this month also endorsed state Sen. James Gray, R-Rochester in his bid for re-election to the Dist. 6 Senate slot.
Evan Liberty during 2014 trial in D.C. courtroom |
"While I don't typically weigh in on cases that are before a federal court, Evan Liberty's case deserves a fair and thorough review by the federal court system and Trump Administration," he said in written a statement to The Rochester Voice on Monday.
After hearing that U.S. Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassen as well as NH 1st Dist. Rep. Chris Pappas, all Democrats, had refused to comment or provide statements on the case, Sununu called them out for not doing so.
"It's a federal issue, so they're the ones that should be initiating the action," he said. "There's nothing a governor can do. We just hope for justice."
"It's out of my lane, and we hope the federal delegation shows the leadership on it. It should not be partisan," he added.
Formerly known as Raven 23 and now dubbed the Biden 4, Liberty and three of his colleagues, all Blackwater security guards, are all serving long prison sentences in the formerly called Nisour Square massacre in Iraq in September 2007.
Over the past several years, however, numerous amicus briefs and motions to the court have revealed prosecutorial overreach that is breathtaking, including scores of Brady violations, which occur when exculpatory evidence beneficial to the defense is intentionally withheld.
From left imprisoned former Blackwater guards and decorated U.S. servicemen Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty, Nicholas Slatten and Paul Slough |
So much has come out that the Congressional Justice for Warriors Caucus in May sent President Trump a letter urging him to pardon the Biden 4, who are so named because in 2010 - just two weeks after a federal judge dismissed the case for Brady violations and other prosecutorial misconduct - then Vice President Biden traveled to Iraq to guarantee to the Iraqi president a reindictment of the Biden 4, which signaled to the U.S. Department of Justice their marching orders to produce a conviction, defense lawyers say.
The events leading to the incident began the afternoon of Sept. 16, 2007, when a powerful bomb went off outside the Green Zone in Baghdad and a Blackwater team escorting a diplomat had to get them to safety as fast as it could. Evan Liberty's tactical support team - named Raven 23 - raced to secure a traffic circle so the first Blackwater team could safely reach the Green Zone."
As what appeared to be civilian traffic mostly either slowed or turned back, a white Kia driving on the wrong side of the road approached the roadblock where Blackwater Team Raven 23 was securing the circle.
Earlier in the day a morning briefing had warned Blackwater teams about a white Kia suspected of being loaded with explosives driving around looking for targets, so when the car continued to drive erratically toward the Raven 23 positons, the vehicle's occupants were warned verbally then with warning shots before someone from the team killed the driver with a single bullet.
Liberty and the three others charged in the attack then say what appeared to be Iraqi police began firing at Raven 23, initiating a furious exchange that federal prosecutors said left at least 14 Iraqi civilians dead and many more wounded.
It should be noted that using civilians as shields was a favorite Iraqi insurgent strategy during this time of the war.
Liberty, who grew up in Rochester and graduated from Spaulding High, went on to become a decorated Marine and Embassy Guard before joining Blackwater, a private firm that provided security for diplomats during the height of the Iraq War in 2007.
In their May letter to President Trump, the caucus cited many accounts from witnesses who saw incoming fire from the square.
"Another Iraqi witness described seeing an individual dressed as Iraqi police shooting in the direction of the U.S. security team," caucus members note.
"Unfortunately, the Iraqi government conducted a corrupt investigation into the incident and the liberal media amplified many false accusations against these warriors, wrote U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz. "It was Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden who pushed for further prosecution, a truly unconscionable move given the facts of the case."
The pardon letter to Trump details a myriad of prosecutorial missteps including withholding exculpatory evidence and improperly utilizing sworn statements by the veterans which were provided under the promise of immunity.
To urge New Hampshire's two senators and Dist. 1 rep to support a presidential pardon use the following emails.
To write a letter to President Trump urging a pardon. Mail it to the White House through this government portal. A letter suggested by the group "Free Raven 23" is below.
President Donald J. Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Re: The Decorated Veterans of Blackwater's Tactical Support Team Raven 23
Dear President Trump:
I am writing on behalf of four decorated veterans who need your help. These men--Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty, Nick Slatten, and Paul Slough--went to war for our country and served deployments to some of the world's most dangerous regions. Then, after their tours were over, they went back into harm's way as contractors supporting the Department of State's mission to bring democracy to Iraq.
In 2007, while working under Blackwater's contract with the State Department, they came under fire and faced a car bomb threat in a Baghdad war zone. They used the force necessary to do their jobs and come home to their families, only to find themselves convenient targets of a political witch hunt. For nearly eleven years, they have been fighting their way through a civilian justice system that has failed at every turn.
As a result of numerous rights violations during the legal proceedings, one of these men (Nick) is scheduled to be retried (by a second civilian jury) in June 2018. The other three men (Dustin, Evan, and Paul) will be resentenced sometime after that.
I ask that you look into their case. These are good, honorable men who, under stronger leadership, would still be fighting for this country, not against its government. What has passed for justice so far in their case is anything but, and it is time that is recognized through a presidential pardon.
[Your name]
To listen to Congressional Justice for Warriors Caucus leader Louie Gohmert's comments on a Raven 23/Biden Four podcast go to
To sign the online petition go to