God must be at the fore of America's Golden Age

9:08 a.m.

God must be at the fore of America's Golden Age

President Trump during his searing-in ceremony with Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. (CBS news photo)/

To the editor:

President Trump's victory has tossed our nations' U.S.A. Ship of State a lifesaver. Living up to the MAGA expectations will be a difficult task to turn the ship around and promises to be equivalent to threading a needle without an eye. So how do we get to shore?

As the war against globalism gets hotter, American patriots would do well to take up arms of truth with the ultimate weapon God provides in Ephesians 6:10-18. God tells us our struggle is not against flesh and blood...it's against the powers of darkness and we need to put on the whole armor of God. We need the supernatural power of God to help overcome what William Butler Yeats called in his poem, The Second Coming: "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." It is tragic that the "the worst" has won the battles thus far. Human life has been devalued with abortion for convenience and profit and even selling body parts; infanticide; euthanasia in several states; LBGTQ+; exploiting children, not of age and sometimes without parental consent, selling the lie that mutilating irreversible surgery will change them to the sex they desire.

Use the lifesaver to restore Biblical Judeo/Christian wisdom as the backbone of our liberty. Only with a widespread force for righteousness and justice will we be able to look back at the second term of President Trump and say that the necessity for his second term to far surpass his first term MAGA accomplishments had been achieved. We all would be wise to follow the biblical mandate to pray for our leaders. We must no longer lack the "passionate intensity" of disciples of evil. The buck stops with us. In legislative battles and wars for truth in our TV news and printed word, we must stand up for principles of liberty as if our lives depended on it. For our children and children's children will inherit the consequences of our action. Will they live in liberty or slavery? Let us all strive to be worthy heirs of the final words of the National Anthem : "Land of the Free and the home of the brave."

- Russ Payne,
