NORTH BERWICK, Maine - The town in which a York County girl stricken with the potentially lethal enterovirus D68 lives has not been identified, but SAD 60 Supt. Steven Connolly said today no parents from the district have called to say the victim was their child.
The school-aged girl was hospitalized several weeks ago and is now doing better, according to health officials.
Meanwhile, Connolly said teachers, school workers and bus drivers throughout the district are doing their best to minimize the risks to student health.
"It's just like flu season in the wintertime," Connolly said today. "We're taking every precaution possible."
He said that included using hospital-grade disinfectants in the cafeteria and around the school and having bus drivers wipe down school bus seats and handrails as often as possible.
Connolly noted the girl's home town was not released due to privacy reasons and because she is no longer contagious.
Federal health officials on Wednesday said four people who were infected with the highly contagious respiratory virus had died.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it was unsure what role the virus had in the four deaths.
Nationwide the virus has infected 500 people,
The CDC said the York County girl's ailment had been confirmed as enterovirus D68.
Connolly said he learned that it takes five to 10 days to determine if a patient tests positive.
He urged frequent washing of hands and referred all SAD 60 parents to the school district's website ( where more precautionary steps are noted.
The CDC had confirmed cases in 42 states as of Wednesday.