To the editor:
This 4th of July, American Independences still stands despite enduring the purging of several centuries of true history. History rewritten may determine America's future by defaming another American hero, George Washington.
Victimized as a captive audience for near a century, our children are starving for a reason to love their country other than the manufactured patriotism of constant wars. Those brainwashed into the woke culture are joining the revolution to turn the world upside down to hate God, family and country. In an effort to help reach these children, here I relate a sample of God's Word. Through His story, His unseen hand fought many battles for His people against evil. Recognizing the many miraculous events involved in the creation of our Republic reminds me of 2 Kings 6:8-23.
Syria was warring against Israel. The King of Syria sent many men and horses to surround Israel. Elisha's servant rose early in the morning because he was frightened by the Syrian horses and chariots all around the city of Dothan. Asking his master, Elisha , "what shall we do?" Elisha prayed, "Lord please open his eyes that he may see." So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around, the Hidden Hand protecting them.
As Elisha showed his servant they were not alone, the founding of our nation resembles this same Invisible hand protecting George Washington as a soldier. God's divine agenda repeatedly spared the life of Colonel Washington during the French and Indian War. Near Pittsburg, on the banks of the Monongahala River, just 3 or 4 paces away from ambush, an Indian jumped out fired and missed. Fifteen times, another Indian, fired and missed 15 times. During the same encounter, two horses were shot out from under Colonel Washington. Later, Washington saw his coat had four bullet holes. Washington, the only officer that survived the battle, commented afterwards: "Death was leveling my companions on every side of me; but by the all powerful dispensation of Providence, I have been protected." Read Christian Historian David Barton's book titled: "The Bulletproof George Washington." It contains all these miraculous incidences of his life being protected along with his War for Independence close encounters with death. Is it any wonder he spent hours in prayer by candlelight, both morning and night, during his entire public career.
God protected George Washington. Keeping him alive was a divine appointment to be our first president. It isn't an accident that he is called the Father of our Country. God planned it that way! I believe Washington was able to his fulfill his destiny as the Continental Army Commanding General and his ultimate destiny to become president was through these many miraculous events.
The same God that revealed Himself to Elisha's servant and preserved President Washington at the birth of our nation can and will work on our behalf to fulfill our destiny. As Elisha and Washington humbled themselves to pray, I call my fellow Americans to prayer. Today, pray for God to reconcile the family and heal our land. As we grow in unity with God and one another, may our eyes be opened to see the same unseen forces fighting against the evils surrounding us.
- Russ Payne,