SPRINGVALE, ME - Southern Maine Garden Club met recently at the Springvale Library at 443 Maine St. for an informative and entertaining lecture on the history of the garden club. Club historian Mary Ericson brought a sampling of the many scrapbooks and photo albums she has been overseeing since she began as a charter member of SMGC in 1996.
Mary painted a picture of the Club's humble beginnings with eight charter members first meeting in first Club President's Ruth Fusillo's home in Lebanon beginning in 1996. Then they alternated meetings in members' homes. With the membership growing they began to meet in local schools in the Lebanon area, then in local volunteer fire departments, then back to local schools and finally settling in our present (and final, we hope) home at the Springvale Library.
Ericson then described the establishment of the community projects that can be seen flourishing today around Springvale, Sanford, Alfred and Lebanon. She then described the plant sale from its modest beginnings up to the location we have now at the Springvale Library. Many of the members in the audience were newer members and were not aware of the history of the club and enjoyed learning about its establishment.
The scrapbooks were chock-full of photos and newspaper articles about the club that informed attendees of the many projects, workshops and field trips that the members had enjoyed over the years. Next year we will be celebrating the 20th Anniversary and club members are very excited about honoring its past and commemorating all of the accomplishments. A 20th Anniversary Committee is being formed with Carol Eddy as the Chair.
Any members interested in joining Carol on the committee are urged to get in touch with her. The club will also be reaching out to past members to join us in the celebration.
SMGC meets throughout the year at the Springvale Library on the third Wednesday of every month beginning at 6:30 PM (unless otherwise noted). The public is invited to attend to sample our meetings to see if you would like to join us. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 18th, at the Library and it will be a wreath making demonstration by Annette Austin of Annette's Gardens. There is a small fee of $4.00, this price includes the greenery and attendees should bring holiday decorations for their wreaths. It is important to register in advance if you want to participate. FMI please contact in ME - Paula Frodyma at 207-475-8142or in NH - Donna Claveau at 603-332-4860.