SPRINGVALE, Maine - When the Southern Maine Garden Club met on July 15 they held their Annual Meeting and Pot Luck as well as installed the new officers for the 2015-2017 term.
The new officers are: President, Paula Frodyma, Vice President, Sheryl Rothstein; Treasurer, Mary Ericson and Secretary, Donna Claveau. Outgoing officers are: President Mary Stewart-Dore, Vice President, Paula Frodyma; Treasurer, Mary Saltmarsh and Secretary, Carol Eddy.
SMGC meets throughout the year at the Springvale Library on the third Wednesday of every month beginning at 6:30 pm (unless otherwise noted). The public is invited to attend to sample our meetings to see if you would like to join us. The August meeting will be our Garden Party and Membership Drive to be held on August 19th at the Shaker Museum located at 118 Shaker Hill Road, Alfred, ME (www.alfredshakermuseum.com) The meeting's topic is: "History of the Shakers in Alfred, ME"; the presenter will be Linda Aaskov, curator at the Museum. This special meeting will begin at 6 p.m., and refreshments will be catered so it is important to have an accurate headcount so please RSVP to Paula in ME (207) 475-8142 or in NH, please call Donna at (603) 332-4860
Attendees are asked to wear their favorite garden hat (this is optional). There are three categories for judging - the prettiest, the funniest and most creative.