President Biden's reckless energy policies threaten to bring the world closer to the brink of World War III.
When he shut down the Keystone Pipeline at the altar of his Green New Deal zealots he gave Russia a cash cow, which they used to fund their brutal invasion of Ukraine.
Now with gasoline prices soaring, he is floundering about trying to get oil from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran, which seeks death to all Americans.
Far from a real Commander in Chief whose biggest concern should be the safety and security of the American people and its sovereign borders, Biden blunders from one crisis to another. Believe it or not, he is still taking orders from Russia when it comes to his much sought-after Iran Nuclear Deal, which is another disaster waiting to happen.
If that goes through maybe he'll secure oil from Iran to help bring prices down a bit. Of course that's at the price of American lives, because Iran will fund more proxy armies to kill Americans around the world.
And who's to say more terrorists aren't coming across our southern border?
The lieutenant governor of Texas estimates that by the end of this year, 20 percent of people in this country will be here illegally. 20 PERCENT!
That number is based on the ratio of gotaways to those "processed" by our Border Patrol, who aren't doing border patrol anymore. They just change diapers and try to save people from drowning in the Rio Grande, sometimes, drowning themselves in the process.
Of course if you look at the people coming across the border, they don't look like asylum seekers, and when reporters ask them why they're here, they inevitably - and honestly - say they're here to have a better life, not because they're afraid of violence.
During the 2020 presidential debates Biden said he would give free health care to all immigrants.
But the mainstream media turns a deaf ear to all of this.
Here's how we know:
Last Saturday on the CBS morning news they did a story about Texas' state border patrol agency, which was recently funded by the Texas government to round up illegal aliens near the border.
Texas officials said they created the agency because our own federal government isn't doing the job.
During the five-minute report, the reporter said no less than five times that the program was costing Texas taxpayers $2 billion a year. FIVE TIMES!
But what do you think the millions and millions of illegals coming across our border is costing U.S. taxpayers.
Let's total it up. Free health care, free housing, free food, free in-school tuition. FOR MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS.
Add to that the thousands of people who will die from deadly fentanyl coming across our border, the scores of known terrorists coming across our borders, the enrichment of murderous cartels and the needless death and human trafficking associated with the trek northward.
In the olden days some welfare recipients would look around to find a state that offered the most generous welfare benefits.
Now today folks look around to find what country has the most to offer, and it's us.
But if you don't have a border and you don't have sovereignty, you don't have a country.
In his first days in office Biden killed the Keystone and began implementing his disastrous border policies.
And look where we're at. Hmmmm