ROCHESTER - Frisbie Memorial Hospital is urging area residents to join them in giving back to the greater Rochester community by joining their monthly #ItsAbout hashtag social media charity campaign.
Each month Frisbie is asking friends, family, patients and colleagues to share a story or upload a photo using the #ItsAbout hashtag from their Facebook or Twitter accounts.
For each engagement, Frisbie Memorial Hospital donates $5, up to $500, to a scheduled charity each month.
February was #ItsAbout Heart Disease, and Frisbie Memorial Hospital donated $500 in proceeds to the American Heart Association NH.
Anyone can visit Frisbie's Facebook page each month during 2016 and this month Share your story with - #ItsAbout Colon Cancer. Frisbie will donate $5 per share to NH Cancer Coalition.
For more information, visit Frisbie Memorial Hospital's Facebook page and click the #itsabout tab.