DOVER - A former Gonic man with a long criminal rap sheet was sentenced on Friday to three to seven years in state prison for falsifying physical evidence, receiving stolen property and burglary in 2020 and 2021.
Darien J. Young, 28, formerly of Gonic Road, also pleaded guilty on Friday to resisting arrest and criminal threatening in September and December of 2020. The criminal threatening had originally been charged as a felony, but in part because the firearm was a BB gun, it was reduced to a misdemeanor, Strafford County Assistant Attorney Patrick Stephen Conroy said on Tuesday.
With pretrial confinement of a year, that sentencing was deemed complete.
Meanwhile, two drug possession charges and a criminal mischief that occurred in December of 2020 and January of 2021 were all suspended for four and a half years.
The charges that drew the prison time include
falsifying physical evidence stemming from his removing or damaging his own clothing while fleeing police on Sept. 13, 2020, in Lee
receiving stolen property charge occurred on Jan. 21, 2021, in Somersworth.
burglary charge for breaking into a Tates Brook Road, Somersworth, residence on Jan. 19, 2021.
While incarcerated Young will have to participate in and complete any ordered counseling, treatment and education programs as directed by the correctional authorities.