LEBANON - All five selectman candidates, including Selectmen Chairman Robert Frizzell, have agreed to take part on Wednesday in what is hoped to be the inaugural Candidates’ Night forum sponsored by The Lebanon Voice.
Along with Frizzell, who is running for his third consecutive term, challengers include Bettie Harris-Howard of Carl Broggi Highway, Corinna Cole of Kennebec Drive, Robie Marsters of Upper Barley Road and Ben Thompson of Depot Road.
The format of the forum has been decided upon by The Lebanon Voice. It will consist of three different segments of candidate input.
The first segment will include an opening statement.
The second round will include rebuttals and amplification on issues chosen after the first round.
Finally there will be a closing statement by each candidate.
During each segment candidates will have a maximum of three minutes to talk.
To decide the order of speaking, candidates will draw numbers from a hat for each round.
There will be no questions by audience members.
The forum will begin promptly at 7 p.m. in the gymnasium of the Lebanon Elementary School and should last about an hour.
For more information contact The Lebanon Voice at thelebanonvoice@aol.com