ROCHESTER - Rochester Police Chief Michael Allen said he called the unusual press conference Thursday to announce the arrests of three including the mother in last month's tragic fentanyl OD death of 17-year-old Eve Tarmey to shine a light on the heroin and fentanyl scourge ravaging the Northeast.
"For four weeks this has been our department's top priority," Allen said. "This is an epidemic throughout all of New England."
Tarmey died early the morning of Oct. 17 inside Room 117 of the Riviera Motel, where her mom, Jazzmyn Rood, 41, was staying with her boyfriend, Michael Ross.
Another woman, Leslie Aberle, 31, of Salisbury, Mass., has also been charged in Tarmey's death, though it wasn't confirmed whether she was or wasn't also at the motel at the time Tarmey died.
All three are charged in Tarmey's death, with the toughest charges against Ross and Aberle for allegedly supplying drugs, death resulting, a Class A felony punishable by up to life in prison.
An arraignment is scheduled for Rood today in Rochester, while an extradition hearing for Aberle will likely be held in Newburyport District Court.
An arraignment for Ross, who is being held at the Rockingham County Jail on an unrelated charge, has not been announced.
Allen said he could not disclose the timeline of events that led to Tarmey's death because those facts are part of the investigation, which is still ongoing.
Allen also released on Thursday the grim detail that there had been 98 heroin and fentanyl overdoses in Rochester, alone, this year to date, including eight that had been fatal.
He called it "extremely disturbing" that a mother had allowed her child to be in such close proximity to such deadly drugs.
"This is the worst such case I've seen ever," he told reporters who had come from Portland, Manchester and Boston to cover the story.
He urged parents to have a conversation with their children about the dangers of drug abuse and to keep the lines of communication open.