ROCHESTER - Father and son duo Ryan and Brennish Thomson will be featured as The Fiddling Thomsons at this Friday's final Music On The Square concert in downtown Rochester.
Underwritten by Federal Savings Bank and a grant from the State Council On The Arts/National Endowment For The Arts, the Music On The Square Concerts are held on Fridays from 11:45 am until 1:30 pm through Aug. 26.
Concertgoers are asked to "bring a chair and buy or bring a lunch" to enjoy a musical performance in the heart of downtown Rochester. This is the final concert in the 2016 series.
Ryan Thomson is a music and dance professional who has been honored by inclusion on both the Traditional and Touring Artist rosters of the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts He is a past winner of the Northeastern USA Regional award at the National Fiddle Contest and is a multi-instrumentalist who performs and teaches weekly on fiddle, banjo, flute, piano, accordian, pennywhistle and other instruments. You can watch and listen to his performances on these instruments on his You Tube channel. In his spare time he enjoys playing chamber music in an amateur classical ensemble.
To celebrate the end of summer at Music on the Square there will be an "Ice Cream Social" from 11-11:45 a.m. just prior to the concert. For a $3.50 donation, guests can build their own sundae. Proceeds will benefit next year's concert series. Free parking nearby is available at the North Main, Union, and Congress Street Parking lots. For more information please contact the Rochester Main Street office by calling 603-330-3208 or email